Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 19 Jul 2022, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

Site Improvements

We have been working on a new look and feel for the site. The new layout should be a little more clean than the old one. We tried to keep it simple and improve the readability.  We will be upgrading over the next few days and will update with more details.

Downloading and Installing Heidi SQL

Recently, John and I have been doing a lot of database work using MySQL and have had to connect to several large databases and manage them correctly. This can be a daunting task without a tool to easily do so. This is where Heidi SQL comes in. This tutorial will walk you through downloading, installing, and configuring Heidi SQL to use against your MySQL databases.

Using jQuery to Reorder a List and Update a Database

This tutorial will show you how to use jQuery to allow as list (UL) to be reordered and will also make an AJAX call to a PHP file that will update the database when an item is dropped. I found this useful for a project I was working on recently. The user wanted to be able to change the order that categories displayed in a report. The items are stored in a database with a field called display_order. When the report is generated we simply order by that field.

Site Downtime

As some of you may have noticed the site has been unavailable over the last few days. We are in the process of upgrading to a new server (with 2 quad core Xeon processors and 8gb RAM) and things have not gone as smooth as planned. We will get all the issue straightened out and … Read more

Sending E-Mail to validate User Sign-up

In on of our last tutorials we covered how to verify that a user’s email address is formatted correctly as well as verify that it goes to a valid domain name. That is great, but still not a great way to make sure a user actually owns or uses that e-mail address. This tutorial will walk you through one method of sending the user an e-mail upon signing up that gives them a link to activate their account.

How to Parse a CSV File Using PHP

In this tutorial you will learn a simple way to parse CSV files using PHP and output the text of the fields you need. This tutorial is not going to go into what you can do with the data once you get it from the CSV as the possibilities are endless. We will simply show you how to get the data into an array in PHP.